Tips to Help You Start Eating a Vegan Diet

If cutting out meat, dairy and eggs leaves you confused about how to eat a healthy, balanced diet, you’re in the right place. Here are 9 healthy tips to starting a vegan diet. You’ve probably heard that eating more vegetables and less meat is healthy. Maybe you’re even feeling inspired to try eating a vegan […]

Benefits of being vegan for your body and mental health

People all over the world are choosing to become vegan, and each has their own reason for doing so. For some, it is about optimising their own health, reducing their long-term disease risk or just feeling “better” in themselves. For others, it is more to do with reducing their environmental impact or that they do […]

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How does it work?

  • You receive and email or sms.
  • To order sms back or order online.
  • Our frozen pack has a min of 10 frozen empanadas for you to bake at home ($60 a box).
  • Not at home on that date? Leave an esky outside, we’ll top up with empanadas and ice if needed.
  • Payment cash o we text link to pay.